TEMA and CMAI promoted associations
1. BRICS ICT Association - www.bricsictassociation.com
2. India Japan Business Forum - www.indiajapanbusinessforum.com
3. ICT Test Labs & Standards Council Association - www.testlabsassociation.com
4. Indian Mobile Association - www.indianmobileassociation.com
5. Indian Tribal Economic & Industrial Council Society - www.cfat.asia/indiantribal
6. FTTH Asia Council - www.ftthasia.com
7. Asian Smarter Digital City Council - www.asiansmarterdigitalcitycouncil.com
8. Internship for students - www.internshipgov.in
9. Placements for students - www.fresherplacements.com
10.Conference Venue Bookings Association - www.venue-bookings.com
11. Youth Relations Affairs-YRA Club - www.cmai.asia/yraclub
12. BPO Council of India - www.Bpocouncilofindia.com
13. National Council for Development of Railways and procurement of Video Surveillance System & Cameras - sites.google.com/view/cmaivideocameras/home
14. National Development Council for Start Ups - sites.google.com/view/startupindia
15. National Council on Mapping & Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - www.gis-nationalcuncil.in
16. India Global 6G Forum - www.6ginternationalcouncil.com
17. National Cyber Security Association of India (NCSAI) - www.cybersecurityassociation.in/